Micro Mosaic Jewelry, Lisa Markowski
Lisa Markowski, B-A
Wednesdays 9:00-12:00
Create your own micro mosaic jewelry! Choose your favorite colors and start designing. A tempting array of materials will be provided, including many types of glass: Filati, Millefiori, rods, Stained glass, Italian smalti and numerous other embellishments. We will discuss how to design, cut the materials and securely place the small pieces. You can make either square, round or rectangle sterling silver plated pendants or earrings. All tools are provided. The supply fee is $20 per piece payable to the instructor. Earrings are one piece. Come have fun and leave with a finished piece to wear or gift.
S1: Jan 15
S2: Feb 12
S3: Mar 12
S4: Apr 9
$59 ACM Members
$84 Future Members
2 week Independent Study, Wendy Thurlow
Wendy Thurlow, I-A
Mondays 12:00-4:00
Finish projects or start something new and challenging with the guidance of your instructor. This is a guided independent study class for intermediate to advanced students. We will explore design, troubleshoot technique challenges and explore bench tips. This class will help guide students through ideas and projects with success. Please bring your own supplies and current projects.
Dec 9 & 16
$150 ACM Members
$200 Future Members
Setting Odd Shaped Stones, Wendy Thurlow
Wendy Thurlow, I-A
Saturday & Sunday 10:00-4:00
Gain the skills to set nearly any shaped stone. Setting unusually shaped objects can be a challenge. This workshop will focus on how to achieve a perfect fit by exploring creative settings for your special object. Learn to create custom bezels, prongs and the many unique settings to capture and showcase your stone or found object. Students will learn how to make their own bezel strip from wire, textured bezels and more.
Apr 5 & 6
$175 ACM Members
$225 Future Members
Fusing Argentium, Wendy Thurlow
Wendy Thurlow, I-A
Saturday & Sunday 10:00-4:00
Learn the magic of Argentium. The Argentium silver alloy provides some unique advantages over sterling silver. Come explore the possibilities. This workshop is designed for students who want to more comfortable with fusing Argentium. Fusing wires, bezels, sheet, shapes and granules will be covered. The focus will be creating earrings and small pendants with fused pattern and bezels.
Feb 15 & 16
$175 ACM Members
$225 Future Members
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