A New Frequency by Corin Finnie, 1st Place
Kaleidoscope of Color
May 23-June 23
All Galleries
Opening Reception: Thursday May 25, 5:00-7:00
Kaleidoscope of Color is an open, all media, juried exhibit.
There are a multitude of descriptors for the word kaleidoscope: motley, psychedelic, multicolor, particolored, polychromatic, prismatic, rainbow, varicolored, variegated. Artists were encouraged to play up the color in works for this all media open juried show.
What a joy to view the visual impact of the beautiful work in this exhibit! It is a powerful show of fine art. I am honored to be asked to judge this extraordinary work.
The work selected for the exhibit displays a knowledge of color and design, whether presented representationally or in abstract form. When selecting the pieces for the exhibit, my choices were based on: consideration of the color theme, completeness of thought, composition, skill and understanding of the materials used, and a uniqueness that speaks to the creative thinking of the artist. Congratulations to all of the participants for the beautiful work submitted and my wish is that you continue creating.
Pick-up: Jun 24, 9:00-Noon
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